Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Analysis of Talk to Frank drug campaign

                       Talk to Frank- Drug campaign

This is a video advert for the drug campaign Talk to frank. It is aimed at teenagers from about 15-20 years old. In the advert there is a boy of around that age, this helps appeal to the target audience as they can relate to someone if they are of a similar age to themselves. This advert uses the shock factor to appeal to the target audience as teenagers are more likely to listen as this really catches there attention as it is horrific to watch. The advert shows a gymnast swinging around on the apparatus. Once he gets high right to the top, it shows him falling and crashing down onto the pole which looks very painful. This represents what happens when people get high on drugs which is why this advert is so effective. Once the boy has fallen down off screen, the rhetorical question "Bad comedown?" appears on the screen. This makes the viewers think about whether or not this advert relates to them and if they have experienced something similar to what this advert is describing. The frank logo then replaces the question with the caption "friendly, confidential drugs advice" and a website address so the affected teenagers can contact the organisation and find out more about what help they can receive. 

This is the poster advert for talk to frank which is again aimed at people around 15-20 years old. It has a teenage girl on the front so that teenagers can relate. The girl on the front has dark shadows around her face which is pale white which almost makes her look as if she has been affected by drug use problems people can relate to that as well as her age. The first part of the text states that "drugs are illegal" so people who are taking them and reading this instantly feel as if they are doing wrong. However it then says "talking about them isn't" this may allow the people to then feel as if this could help them become better. They have put the word 'frank' in capital letters to empathise how important it is that they do talk to frank and get help. It also promotes the name of the campaign. The writing is very short and to the point which is appropriate to the teenage target audience as most teenagers would not bother to read a large paragraph. There is also an image of a marijuana leaf so people will instantly know what the advert is about. 

This is the webpage for the campaign 'talk to frank'. You can tell its for the target audience of 15-20 year olds as the front used for where it says "A-Z" and "FRANK" in the logo is very modern which will appeal more to teenagers. It also makes the website look more fun and will encourage young people to want to look at the site and learn about drugs. Along the top near the right hand corner there are all the contact details so people can easily get a phone number of email address if they want to talk to someone. The website also appeals to teenagers as they have up to date news such as the article about staying safe during your freshers week as many people will be going to university at around this time.

This campaign is run by FRANK. It is there to raise drug awareness and to help young people with drug problems to get help. This is a health and safety campaign as it is looking out for the welfare of drug using teenagers. The main aim for this campaign is to encourage teenagers to get help with drug problems, give these teenagers someone to talk to and to educate teenagers on drugs and the dangers. The specific target audience of this campaign is teenagers of the ages 15-20 years old, mainly ones who are involved with drugs but also those who just want to find out more about drugs. You can tell this because the colours scheme of the website is mainly black with little bits of bright pink so it looks very modern and not to young. There's also not a huge amount of writing which suggests that it is for teenagers as they don't want to be reading massive amounts of writing. The writing is also generally quite simple so teenagers of all reading abilities can understand. There are a series of videos, posters and a website as a part of the campaign. You can tell they are all related as they are all quite simplistic and mature. They also mainly follow the same house style. The video may be found on channels such as BBC3 or ITV2 at around 9pm when teenagers sit down to watch TV. They may also appear as adverts before some Youtube videos. The posters may be found around schools, collages and universities or maybe at sport centres, on public transport and at youth clubs. The talk to frank campaign has been running since 2003 until the present day. 

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