Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Target Audience

The target audience for my campaign is teenage girls aged 15-17. These girls would be middle to lower class. The audience my campaign is aimed at would be quite girly girls as our colour scheme is multi-coloured but mainly bright pink, therefor they would be quite into ‘girly’ things such as shopping, since our posters are hung around shopping centres. Our target audience would be interested in music and films as well as things such as celebrities and make-up. The lifestyle of our target audience would be students who regularly illegally download music and films as the aim of our campaign is to discourage them from doing this.

We chose this as our target audience since the brief wanted our campaign to be aimed at young people and we thought 15-17 would be a good age as they are quite mature and also copyright theft is a big problem amongst people of this age. We also chose this target audience since my group and I are of a similar age to this so we know what girls aged 15-17 would be interested in and we would know the best ways to target and get through to these girls, which we decided was online, through social media and our website.

I made an audience profile which shows exactly who our target audience is, there interests and lifestyle. This way it is clear who we are targeting our campaign at and I have been able to refer back to it throughout the project for help while making decisions such as what sort of things we should put on our social media and website. Putting on things that the target audience will be interested in will make it much more likely that they will notice and follow our campaign.

The target audience would want this campaign to be interesting and engaging. They would also want it to be quite visual with short but informative pieces of writing. They would want to be like this as if the campaign is quite visual, with lots of images, then they would be more likely to have a look where as if it was a lot of writing they would probably just move on since reading it would be ‘too much effort’. The target audience would also want the campaign products to look quite colourful and bright as this way it looks more interesting to look at and also more eye catching.

We got some audience feedback during the planning stages of our campaign that said that we should make our campaign more suited to the target audience. As a group we were unsure of how to do this to fit the needs of both boys and girls, so we decided it would be best to narrow our target audience down even further and make it just for girls as the more precise the target audience is, the more effective the products will be in reaching out to people. Listening to this feedback was a very good idea as I think it made our campaign much more effective.

We included our audience’s feedback to help improve our campaign by looking at the results achieved from a survey we conducted. We found out how aware our audience were on the copyright laws which we used to decipher how much we should focus on these throughout our products.

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